Town of Lessor Weather

2024 Annual Meeting Minutes


Annual Meeting Minutes

Tuesday, April 16, 2024


Call to order: Teresa K. Madlon, clerk called the meeting to order at 7:30 PM.

Pledge of Allegiance was recited.

MINUTES: Teresa Madlon read the minutes of the April 18, 2023 annual meeting,

motion by Earl Hinkel, second by Alfred Meyer to approve the minutes and carried on a

voice vote.

FINANCIL REPORT: The Financial Report was handed out to all in attendance. Motion

was made Frank Czahor, second by Brian Phelps to approve the financial report, and

carried on a voice vote.

READING OF WEEDS LAWS: Chris Kolasa made a motion to dispense with the reading of

the weed law, second by Earl Hinkel and carried on a voice vote.

OLD BUSINESS: Discussion and approval, if necessary, of any unfinished business

presented at last year’s meeting. There was none.

NEW BUSINESS: Jerry Warner made a motion to have the annual meeting two weeks

and one day after the spring election and to post it in the paper, second by Earl Hinkel

and carried on a voice vote.

ADJOURNMENT: Motion was made by Brian Phelps to adjourn the annual meeting, second by Chris Kolasa and carried on a voice vote.


Teresa K. Madlon

Clerk of Aurora